Occupational Safety & Health Consultancy Services

Occupational Safety & Health Consultancy Services

We appreciate that no two businesses are the same, or require the same level of support, therefore we tailor our approach to suit the demands and needs of our individual clients. We can provide your business with competent Occupational Safety and Health advise whether you operate in Ireland, Northern Ireland or UK.

We can review your businesses current policies and procedures to ensure they are legally compliant, up to date, and meet your business needs. We can assist you in continually improving your Occupational Safety and Health standards to ensure that your business is legally compliant and that your workforce go home safe and healthy at the end of each and every day. We can assist in the following areas:

Safety Documentation

We can create or review your businesses existing Safety Statements / Safety Policy Documents and assist you with their implementation.

Risk Assessments 

We can carry out site specific workplace Health and Safety Risk Assessments, identifying the specific hazards and associated risks of your business activities and recommend control measures required to either eliminate or reduce the risk to a level which is reasonably practicable.

Site Audits

We can conduct independent and impartial site safety audits on your work activities and offer competent advice helping you to mitigate your businesses health, safety, and welfare risks.

Contractor Compliance 

We can assist you with setting up new or reviewing existing contractor selection and approval procedures.

Accident Investigation and Analysis 

We can complete incident investigations; we can collect all relevant evidence of the incident and produce an impartial investigation report. We can also assist you with reporting to the Health Safety Executive (HSENI), and Health & Safety Authority.

We can analyse your previous incident data, to complete trend analysis and identify areas of improvement within your business.


We can look at your current training records and assist your training needs and assist you to put in place a training programme that ensures legal compliance to current legislation relevant to the jurisdictions you operate in.


Our Lead Consultant is a trained Mental Health First Aider we can assist you with putting in place an effective strategy, policies and procedures, to promote positive mental health within your organisation.


2020 will be a year remembered as one which fundamentally challenged the way we work. The COVID-19 pandemic brought many changes and challenges to our working lives. In 2020 we worked with a variety of clients both in Northern Ireland and Republic of Ireland supporting them by 

  • Providing advice on current COVID-19 guidelines and the requirements for safe return to work 
  • Assisting with the development of their business strategy going forward on how to deal with the “new normal” and ensure compliance with  guidelines  
  • Assisting with the implementation of plans for returning to work in 2020 
  • Assisting with the implementation of procedures necessary to continually keep their employees and all who interface with their businesses safe and comply with current guidelines and legislation
  • Providing guidance on updates as they occurred 

If you would like any assistance with your COVID-19  procedures please contact us today.

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